Date: 8th to 18th June.
3rd (A/B) and 4th (A/B/C) Primary
guys! How are you? Let´s do the three last tasks of the school year!
You should send the answers to your teachers before Thursday 18th June. Thank you so much for your work! Go ahead!
NOTA PARA LOS ALUMNOS DE 4ºA Y 4ºC: Para realizar los ejercicios por Idoceo Connect aquí tenéis los códigos:
4ºA: Task 1: Poem: 'Game of chores' 95658
Task 2: What´s the word? Choose and answer 88179
Task 3: The good egg 54258
4ºC: Task 1: Poem: 'Game of chores' 76912
Task 2: What´s the word? Choose and answer 53436
Task 3: The good egg 21158
1: Do you usually help at home? We are going to work on a poem about
household chores (tareas domésticas) Listen to the poem and then
the missing words.
POEM: Game of chores.
home we always play a ______
it’s time to tidy up
score ______ points for household chores
win the housework _____ !
the shelves to _____ one point
more to sweep the _____
if you vacuum all the rugs
you’ll get two _____ more.
the ________ , one point each
clean the shower and sink
______ is the one we hate
that’s five points, I think!
lay the _______ for one point
cook some _______ for two
if you do the washing-up
three more points for you.
extra chores can win two points
if you clean Mum’s _____
also if you walk the ______
take it very far.
that’s my game, now _____ yourself
you wantto play)
many points could you score
you tidied up _______?
Gillian Craig
TASK 2: Listen again and
complete the exercises.
TASK 3: Now, we are going to watch a video about a very special egg. Then, answer the questions.
1. Where does he live?
-Under a recycled roof.
-Under a tin roof.
-In an market.
2. Complete what he does:
-I rescue a ____________.
-I water your____________.
-I paint your_____________.
3. Write 3 things the others eggs do:
4. What happens to his shell?:
-It breaks.
-There are cracks.
-There are dots.
5. What does he decide to do?
-To be bad.
-To go away.
6. Write 3 things he does when he is alone.
7. What happens at the end?
-He rests alone,
-He goes back home and he is happy.
-He goes back home and he is a bad egg.
Date: 1st to 5th June.
3rd (A/B) and 4th (A/B/C) Primary
Hi, Children! For this week we are going to do two activities:
TASK 1: Grammar Worksheet
TASK 2 : Song 'My house'
Listen to the song: My house.
Then, complete the missing words.
NOTA PARA LOS ALUMNOS DE 4ºA Y 4ºC: Para realizar los ejercicios por Idoceo Connect aquí tenéis los códigos. Para la canción 'My house' hay que escuchar bien el audio las veces que haga falta y anotaros las respuestas en un papel para después escribir la respuesta en Idoceo Connect. Además tenéis la canción en la primera pregunta dentro del cuestionario y podréis escucharla cuanto queráis:
4ºA: Grammar worksheet: 80092
My house: 86190
4ºC: Grammar worksheet: 39223
My house 16134
3rd (A/B) and 4th (A/B/C) Primary
Para realizar los cuestionarios en Idoceo Connect aquí tenéis los códigos (hay que leer bien las preguntas, ver el vídeo las veces que haga falta y anotaros las respuestas en un papel para después marcar la que veáis correcta en Idoceo Connect):
4ºA: THE TWINS WEEK: 83544
4ºC: THE TWINS WEEK: 38285
The twins week!
1. Where do the twins live? _______________
2. Why do they live there? Because their father is___________
3. What do they do on Mondays?
a)Take a shower and play with the fish.
b)Take a shower and watch TV with the fish.
c)Take a shower and sleep with the fish.
4. On Tuesdays, the twins eat breakfast with ____________ and they eat dinner with ________________ .
5. Who helps the twins to brush their teeth? ___________________
6. What do they do on Wednesdays at night? ___________________
7.On Thursdays...
a) The twins play basketball with the rhinos.
b) The twins play football with the rhinos.
c) The twins play football with the parrots
8. The twins go to the pool and…
a) swim in a pool with the shark
b) swim in a pool without the shark
9. The animal that helps the twins to do their homework is ______________
10. What do the twins do on Saturdays? ____________________
11. On Sundays the twins sleep until_____________
The second activity of the week is a song. You have to watch the video and try to practice this song until you can sing it. After that, you can send us a little video in which we can see how you sing and dance. This task is OPTIONAL, if you can´t do it don´t worry, just listen to the song and enjoy (mandar el vídeo es una tarea voluntaria, no obligatoria, ok?) Go on!
Let´s go to the zoo!
Date: 18th to 22nd May.
Hi kids! Everything ok? We really hope so! This week we are going to watch a video and answer some questions about "The selfish Crocodile". After that, you will have to do two different activities depending on your level. Please send a photo with the answers of both activities to your teachers.
-3rd Primary: Modals- can and can´t grammar worksheet.
-4th Primary: Diagnostic listening test Tiger.
-3th and 4th Primary: The Selfish Crocodile.
Para realizar los cuestionarios en Idiceo Connect aquí tenéis los códigos (para el cuento ´Selfish crocodile´, hay que leer bien las preguntas, ver el vídeo las veces que haga falta y anotaros las respuestas en un papel para después marcar la que veáis correcta en Idoceo Connect; para el Listening, tenéis los audios dentro del cuestionario en Idoceo Connect y podréis escucharlo pregunta a pregunta):
4ºA: LISTENING: 20718
4ºC: LISTENING: 63284
3rd and 4th Primary "The Selfish crocodile"
A)In a forest.
B)In a pond,
C)In a river.
2.What does he shout everyday?
A)Stay away from my house.
B)Stay away from my river.
3.There are lots of animals. Name five:
4. What happens one day?
A)The crocodile is furious.
B)The crocodile sings a song.
C)The crocodile is ill.
5. What do the animals do?
A)They help the crocodile.
B)They ask what happen.
C)They look but don´t help.
6. Who helps him?
7. What does he do?
A)He pull a tooth.
B)He pull a leg .
C)He pull the nose.
3rd Primary: Grammar worksheet.
4th Primary: Listening exercise.
Listening3rd (A/B) and 4th (A/B/C) Primary.
Date: 11th to 15th May.
Nota para los alumnos de 4ºA y 4ºC:
Para responder a las preguntas de los ejercicios vamos a usar IDoceo Connect. Con esta aplicación contestaremos a preguntas tipo test que se corresponden a las que os planteamos en las actividades que tenéis más abajo.
Después de ver el vídeo varias veces tendréis que anotaros las respuestas en un papel. A continuación, deberéis entrar en Internet en IDoceo Connect y escribir el código según la actividad y el curso a que pertenecéis:
Alumnos de 4º A:
Alumnos de 4º C:
Hello girls and boys! We are going to start the week by doing a reading comprehension exercise. Please, read carefully the text about the city of London and answer the questions. Then please send an email to your teacher with the answers.LONDON, A GREAT CITY!
Mary and her family are going to travel to London. London is a famous
historic city. It is the capital of England in the United Kingdom. The city is
very popular for international tourism.
historic city. It is the capital of England in the United Kingdom. The city is
very popular for international tourism.
This morning Mary wakes up very early.
She needs to pack her clothes in her suitcase.
She takes a camera because she loves taking photographs.
Mary goes to her parent´s bedroom and… her father is watching tv!!
She needs to pack her clothes in her suitcase.
She takes a camera because she loves taking photographs.
Mary goes to her parent´s bedroom and… her father is watching tv!!
-Come on, dad! You are watching a baseball match! You have to pack your
In the afternoon, the family goes to the airport.
Mary Is very excited about the trip because she is flying for the first time!
The family arrives in London in the evening.
Mary Is very excited about the trip because she is flying for the first time!
The family arrives in London in the evening.
The next day, they visit The Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace,
and the London Eye.
Fortunately, the London Eye, the city's famous Ferris wheel,
is open to the public. This attraction stands 135 meters high
and each capsule can hold up to 25 passengers. When their capsule
stops at the top, Mary can take spectacular panoramic photographs of the beautiful cityscape below and specially of the London Bridge over the river Thames.
Then, Mary and her family go to a restaurant, and they eat a traditional
dish: fish and chips! It is delicious!
and the London Eye.
Fortunately, the London Eye, the city's famous Ferris wheel,
is open to the public. This attraction stands 135 meters high
and each capsule can hold up to 25 passengers. When their capsule
stops at the top, Mary can take spectacular panoramic photographs of the beautiful cityscape below and specially of the London Bridge over the river Thames.
Then, Mary and her family go to a restaurant, and they eat a traditional
dish: fish and chips! It is delicious!
1. What are London Eye, the Big Ben and Westminster Abbey?
a) Landmarks.
b) Food.
c) A type of plane.
2. What is the traditional dish the family eat in London?
a) Hamburgers.
b) Pasta.
c) Fish and chips.
3. Mary can take beautiful photos of the city from the top of the…
a) The Thames.
b) The Big Ben.
c) The London Eye.
d) Buckingham Palace.
4. Which of these statements is false?
a) London is the capital city of England.
b) London is the city where Mary comes from.
c) The Thames flows through London.
5. Why is Mary so excited?
a) Mary is afraid of heights.
b) Mary has never travelled by plane before.
c) Mary likes the city very much.
6. What will you pack in your suitcase for a trip to London?
Name at least four items.
Name at least four items.
Now, we are going to watch a video. It is the story of "Goldilocks and the
three bears"
three bears"
Then, answer the questions below and send a photo to your teacher.
1.What is Goldilocks doing when she finds the house?
a) Walking in the forest.
b) Walking in the mountains.
c) Walking in the beach.
2. How many bowls are there on the table?
3. What happens when she sits on the chair?
a) She breaks it.
b) She falls asleep.
c) She eats another bowl.
4. Who are the owners of the house?
5. What happens when she wakes up?
6. The moral of the story can be that...
a) We have to be respectful with the others and their things.
b) We have to eat other people´s food.
c) We have to be careful with bears.
Nota para los alumnos de 4ºA y 4ºC:
Para responder a las preguntas de los ejercicios vamos a usar IDoceo Connect. Con esta aplicación contestaremos a preguntas tipo test que se corresponden a las que os planteamos en las actividades que tenéis más abajo.
Después de ver el vídeo varias veces tendréis que anotaros las respuestas en un papel. A continuación, deberéis entrar en Internet en IDoceo Connect y escribir el código según la actividad y el curso a que pertenecéis:
4ºC: 45104
4ºA: 75359
4ºC: 60503
Al terminar el cuestionario poned en Nombre vuestro NOMBRE Y APELLIDO (NO PONGÁIS NINGÚN ALIAS)
Hi guys! How´s it going? This week we are going to do two activities:
Watch the video below and then answer the questions in your notebook. Remember to send a photo to your teacher by email.
1. What happens to the color monster?
A)He is ill.
B)He mixed the emotions.
C)He has no friends
2. What color are the different emotions? Match.
Calm blue
Fear green
Happiness black
Sadness red
Anger yellow
3. Which feeling does the last color represent?
Watch the video and answer the questions in your notebook.
1. Who are the characters?
-A boy and his older sister.
-A boy and his little sister.
-A boy and his dog.
2. What is the girl all the time saying?
-Me too
-You too
3. Write 3 things she can’t do without help.
-She can’t...
-She can’t...
-She can’t...
4. What happens at the end?
5. Do you like the end? Why?
Date: 27th to 30th April.
El alumnado de la profesora Consuelo Rodríguez va a probar una nueva forma de contestar a las actividades de Inglés a través IDOCEO CONNECT (el resto de alumnado de los cursos 3ºA, 3ºB y 4ºB no tienen que seguir dichas instrucciones y enviarán su tarea de la forma habitual)
Hola chicos y chicas:
Para realizar las tareas de inglés de esta semana los alumnos de 4ºA y 4ºC vamos a usar una aplicación llamada Idoceo Connect. Con esta aplicación contestaremos a preguntas tipo test y que corresponden a las preguntas que se plantean en las actividades "A Squash and a Squeeze" y "Helping others" que tenéis más abajo.
1º- Lee las instrucciones en inglés. Mira el vídeo varias veces y contesta a las preguntas anotando las respuestas en un papel.
2º- Entra en Internet poniendo Idoceo Connet y dale al primer enlace.
Te saldrá esta imagen:
3º- Donde pone: PIN de Clase ponéis solo un número que es el código correspondiente a cada test y que os pongo a continuación:
-4ºA: " A Squash and Squeeze" 70892
"Helping others" 22984
-4ºC: " A Squash and Squeeze" 13752
"Helping others" 83047
4º- Entonces os aparecerán las preguntas que iréis contestando marcando solo la que consideréis correcta o escribiendo una palabra o frase (en el caso de pregunta abierta).
5º- Al finalizar le damos a entregar y escribimos nuestro nombre y primer apellido.
nombre y primer apellido
y le damos otra vez a:
Y ya está todo. Ahora podéis leer las instrucciones en inglés sobre el cuento "A Squash and a Squeeze" y sobre la lectura "Helping others". Os anotáis las respuestas en un papel y después las contestáis en Idoceo Connect.
Hi everybody!
How is it going? This week we are going to work on a tale: "A squash and a squeeze" by Julia Donaldson, who also wrote "The Gruffalo". It is about an old lady who lives all by herself in her house but she is not happy: she thinks that her house is too small. First, watch the video a few times and then answer the two exercises. When you finish, please send a photo by email to your teachers.
After that, let´s work on a reading. It is about helping, something really necessary these days.
Once you´ve read the text, please complete this exercise on your notebook and send a photo to your teacher.
a) What is it? Write an example from the text of ...
1. Charity:
2 Volunteering:
3. Fundraising:
4. Donating:
b) What day is the International Day of Charity?
c) What can YOU do to help others?
d) Do you like helping others?
1)Yes, I do.
2)No, I don´t.
Date: 20th to 23th April.
Did you know that Saint George is also the patron saint of England? For that reason, St George's Day is celebrated there on 23rd April each year. We are going to watch a video of the story:
After watching the video, choose the correct answer:
1. Saint George was a...
a) Knight
b) Soldier
c) Farmer
2. The dragon lives
a) In the lake
b) In a cave
c) In the mountains
3. The dragon attacks the villages
a) Every night
b) Every week
c) Every day
4. George..
a) Eats the dragon
b) Kills the dragon
c) loves the dragon
Send the answers of this exercise to your teacher by email.
3rd grade:
4th grade A and C:
4th grade B:
Now, read the story on the cards of these photocopy. Then, look the words you don´t understand up in a dictionary or in www.wordreference. com. If you want, you can finally print the photocopy and cut it out to make a mini book.
3rd (A/B) and 4th (A/B/C) Primary.
Date: 14th to 17th April.
This week you will have to watch the following videos ("The
Gruffalo" and "Peace at last") and send the answers to the
questions via email to your teachers:
grade A and C:
First ,
watch the video and after answer the questions.
Probably, you will have to watch the video more than
1 1. What
animals appear in the story?
2. What
do they want to do? Choose the correct
-Inviting the brown
mouse to eat.
-Eating the brown mouse.
3. Is the Gruffalo friendly?
-Yes, he is.
-No, he isn´t.
4. What does the gruffalo think about the mouse?
5. What happened at the end?
6. I think the story is:
7. My favourite character is:
Watch the
video and after, answer the questions.
Probably, you will have to watch the video more than
1. Who are
the characters?
2. What
happens to Mr.Bear?
3. Why he
can’t sleep?
4. Do you
like the ending?
5. Invent
a different ending for the story.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
How are you? For the first week you may watch videos and the tv in English.
I send you two songs that we learned in class.
Vegetable Song!
Skeleton Dance
English 3A / 3B (homework 2)
Good afternoon!!
How are you? For this week, you have to write a text about yourself.
For example.
My name is....
I am.... years old.
My favourite colour is.....
I can.... (2 hobbies/activities), but I can't.... (2 activities/hobbies)
I like.... (2 foods), I love (1 food) but I don't like.... (1 food).
Everyday I (thing you do every day, for example brush my teeth, put on my pyjamas, go to bed....) at (time).
My favourite animal is... (1 animal). It has got (parts of body, for example, tail, fur,..)
Send me this text via email. You can write it in your notebook and take a photo, or word.
(enviame este texto por email. Puedes escribirlo en tu cuaderno y hacer una foto, o en un Word y mandarlo al email)
Acordaros de poner vuestro NOMBRE, APELLIDOS y CLASE!
1.If you are from 4º level:Project P42 Activity Book .Hazlo en 1 folio o en hoja de cuaderno
I hope you enjoy it a lot!! Esperamos que os haya gustado.
Ahora podéis hacer esta ficha de comprensión. Pincha Aquí y te llevará al documento. Después deberéis enviar las respuestas por correo a vuestra profesora de inglés. Bastará con que indiquéis en un pequeño texto dónde está cada huevo: "The first egg is in ....".
Lo mismo deberéis hacer con la segunda ficha, indicando el número de la viñeta y añadiendo el texto que le corresponde.Aquí←(Pincha aquí para ver la continuación del vídeo y poder hacer la segunda ficha)
Acordaos de poner vuestro nombre y apellidos y la clase.
Os dejamos un enlace con juegos. Podéis elegir juegos sobre temas que habéis dado en clase (clothes, food, animals...)
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